Our clients are just like us. They care about their homes and businesses. They love San Francisco and the architecture that makes our city special.

Our clients are smart about their investments. They understand that the lowest bid does not necessarily translate to the highest quality care for their homes and buildings. They recognize the long-term rewards of structural integrity, rather than just cosmetic cover-ups.

They appreciate the unique character of The City, and understand that their structures are part of a larger fabric that helps define and preserve the cultural and architectural heritage of San Francisco.


Whether deciding to remodel their home, fix a troubling water infiltration problem, or anything in between, our clients have come to understand that home improvement projects don’t have to be a painful process. In fact, with the right team they can be productive, collaborative, surprisingly enjoyable enterprises that ultimately improve the beauty and durability of their most valuable investments.

At some point during the process of working with us, our clients often discover that they have found not only a trusted advisor but also a friend and partner to help care for their homes and properties.

Our clients know that when they work with Teevan, they can rest easy that they are getting the highest value for their money and a trusted advisor for the care and maintenance of their buildings.

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