San Francisco home owners face a unique set of circumstances. Older buildings, design review boards, weather, seismic conditions, topography, maintenance costs – all conspire to make home care a complex process. Equally daunting is finding a company that can expertly address all these issues, look out for your best interests, and earn your trust. This is when you turn to Teevan.
Earning – and keeping – our clients’ trust is Teevan’s specialty. Experts in remodeling, construction, restoration, painting, water issues, and seismic retrofitting, Teevan has the skill and experience to improve and protect your most valuable investment. We have also transformed our clients’ expectations of what a contractor is and should be. Our unique system of customer care is built on trust and collaboration. From the initial phone call through project completion, our entire team is committed to keeping you comfortable and well informed while we improve your home’s durability, health, and beauty.
Our customers call on Teevan for everything from minor repairs to transformative remodels and re-designs. Nurturing these client relationships, which often become friendships, is our highest priority.
Let’s face it – construction can be messy, noisy and disruptive. To help us minimize your stress, we are going to ask you some lifestyle questions before we start your project. We want to understand things like…
Find out more about our range of exceptional services:
Complex Leaks & Water Infiltration
Painting & Restoration
Custom Construction & Remodeling
Maintenance & Repair
Design & Development