A Teevan paint job is not a superficial coating that hides flaws. It is far more than aesthetics. We go beneath the surface and improve the structural fitness of our clients’ properties. Over the past 40 years, Teevan has become synonymous with Great Paint Jobs in San Francisco – a caliber of interior and exterior painting so high that it becomes an exercise in restoration.


Our painters love what they do and their passion for the craft guides every project. They also understand building science, so in the course of a painting project they consider all the connecting pieces that affect the longevity of the structure.

Trained as carpenters and waterproofing specialists, the Teevan paint team is able to thoroughly inspect for evidence of dry rot, water infiltration, damaged window flashings, and compromised gutter systems. These often overlooked areas can become serious and costly issues if they remain undiscovered or ignored. But when we identify and repair them early, as we are often able to do during paint jobs, we help our clients avoid more substantial maintenance tasks down the road. At Teevan, our paint jobs are not just about looking good, they are about being good, and in the process protecting the integrity of our clients’ properties.


Though Teevan has been charged with preserving some of San Francisco’s architectural icons, like the Geary Theater, the Haas-Lilienthal house, and the S.H. Erlinger house, your property doesn’t have to be on the National Register of Historic Places to command our attention and service. Our clients rely on us for a wide range of restoration projects that go beyond painting, from precise masonry detailing to meticulously preserving, even recreating, Victorian gingerbread facades.

Whether it’s one of our historical restorations or a simple paint project that turns into architectural preservation, the end product is a house or building that is beautiful on the surface. Beyond that – beneath the surface – is the peace of mind that your investment is being protected for the long haul.